More illustration board projects I did for MTAC…


another cruddy digicam pic… once again it was too big to scan! (you can see my vash pic behind it for scale!) I like this pic too, except I got tired of working on Yue’s wings and rushed it. (and yes, he does have a mouth, you just can see it on such a small scale.)

I apologise for the fact that this is a lousy digital camera pic, not a scan… but the wretched thing is too big to scan! o_o the pic looks horrible, but I do really love this picture (it ate up my red crayon…. so it had better be good XD)

another one taken with the digicam… oh this one looks horrible like that. I finished this one while at the con, and then it didn’t fit in my portfolio o_o too tall! so I had to carry it everywhere x_x

Since Tigrin suggested her, it’s a gift to her XD